Six of Crows: A Must-Read for any Fantasy Book Lover

Six of Crows is a fantasy novel centered around six main characters (hence the book title). These characters embark on a dangerous heist with a substantial pile of money awaiting them on the other side, should they succeed. 

Kaz Brekker, who is I suppose our main character out of the six is infamously known for doing anything for the right price. His lack of morals and remorse make him definitely one of the more interesting characters of any book I’ve read. Speaking of being morally gray, I feel like that was one part that I enjoyed about this book. The lines were often very blurred, and the story sometimes felt anything but black-and-white. 

Another thing I really appreciated about this novel was how well-written the characters are. Each one had a distinct personality. They’re all very flawed, which I’ve noticed a lack of in a lot of YA fantasy books. Sure, most characters in books are flawed, but the flaws are more often than not superficial. In Six of Crows, each character has a different backstory. Some of them also don’t quite get along very well, and the clash of motivations creates internal conflict that deepens the story’s plot. The character cast is also diverse, in many senses of the word. (Race, religion, sexuality, etc.) 

I also liked the novel’s world-building. It definitely wasn’t your typical fantasy world; the world Bardugo (the author) built was dark and grimy, and contained a little bit of everything. The characters wielded both guns and swords, utilized both magic and technology. The descriptions were so vivid and well-written, I could almost close my eyes and see what they were seeing. 

Overall, it’s a great read, and I definitely recommend that you check it out! 

- Hannah


  1. This is an excellent review! I loved your detailed descriptions of the characters and intriguing summary. I agree with you on the character flaws point as well, something that drives me away from some YA novels is the unrealistic main characters, something I think Six of Crows strayed away from, which added real depth to the story. I've already read this book, but after this I may just read it again. Great job!!

  2. I really liked this review, it was not only well written but it was also intriguing. I liked how you explained the book, it's characters, and the unusual setting. I loved your description of the characters and their unique backstories and their personal flaws, which makes the book even more intriguing. Despite this being a good review, I wished you could've added more to what the plot was about. Another question I had was: is this book changing narrators or does it stay with one narrator? Overall, this is a very good review and I will have to add Six of Crows to my reading list.

  3. Great review! I actually went to Barnes and Noble yesterday and was contemplating whether to buy this book or not. Unfortunately, I didn't buy it but next time I go I definitely will. One thing I liked is how you clearly explained that each character had a certain moral and/or personality flaw and a backstory to go along with it. I also find the morally gray aspect of this book very interesting and wonder how all these characters, with their different personalities, morals, and ideals, are able to work together. Like Deven, I also wonder whether only one of the main characters tells the story or narrator switches throughout?

  4. This was a great review! By the first paragraph of this blog I already know I will like this book. I have actually seen this book on Tik Tok quite a lot, so seeing this review and how you described these characters make me so intrigued!! I will definitely be reading this soon, amazing review Hannah!1

  5. Great review Hannah! I have been recommended this book numerous times, but fantasy novels are usually a hit or miss for me. I love how you went into detail about the characters. For these types of books, the characters brings the story together. I am interested to read about characters’ flaws, and how it plays a role in the plot. With your review, I will definitely add the book to my reading list!

  6. I usually don't read fantasy books but this one is tempting Loved your detailed review! I already love the diversity of the characters knowing that makes a better book, Great review!!

  7. Love the review Hannah! I love this series, and while I do think i prefer the second book out of the two, this one is very dear to me and I honestly think I need to read it again, I miss it.


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