Always Running from Going Where I'm Coming From - A Review


Going Where I’m Coming From

Memoirs of American Youth

Why “Always Running” is My Favorite Story From the Anthology

 “Always Running” is a heart-wrenching memoir about Luis J. Rodríguez. Luis was born in 1954 in El Paso, Texas. Being of Mexican origin, Luis and his family are constantly berated by white people. Luis vividly describes what his mother had to go through cleaning houses for a living. His father had a degree in biology, but since the people didn’t accept his Mexican degree, he had to find work as a laborer. Hardened by life in a gang ridden area, Luis has been acclimated to fights and other acts of violence. One instance, when Luis and his brother went to a grocery story on the white side of town, they were beaten up by a bunch of kids who threw racial slurs at them. This is just one example of the daily struggle that Luis and his family experience. When Luis’ father reveals that he has received a position as a Spanish teacher at Taft High School, the family becomes overjoyed. There is finally a sense of relief. The pay is high, and the possibilities are even higher. They move to Reseda, which is the ‘good’ side of town. They feel luxury for the first time in their life. Everything is quickly uprooted when the school fires his father. Once again, Luis’ family is impoverished. Even though they thought they were climbing the ladder of success, the family fell back down to where they began. “Always Running” is a sorrow and down to earth memoir that is gripping and exciting.

As I was reading, I was quickly drawn into the story. Rodríguez, as an author, made me a part of the story. To be honest, Luis and I don’t match. We are different in almost every way. He has to live in a place where he does not know if there is going to be food on the plate when he gets home. He lives in a place where he does not even know if he will be able to come home without a bruise on his body. Unlike him, I am an only child. I have a room to myself, a computer, and a group of friends who support and respect me. By reading the summary at the beginning of the book, I thought that I should probably just skip this story. But for the oddest of reasons, which I still don’t know, I connected to him. I could feel what Luis was feeling. I was hurt every time he was punched and was sad every time he was put down. Rodríguez has been able to create a connection between what some may say two polar opposites. After reading this, I felt like I was closer to him. I might not have ever met him, but I know him. It is like I have known Luis for a lifetime.

I think that the way Rodríguez drafted this story is what made it so personable. Even though Luis and I live in completely different worlds, I was able to relate with him. I would definitely recommend this memoir. It is descriptive, true, and to some extent, thrilling. Rodríguez has not buttered up his story. He takes you through his heartbreaks and makes you feel what he feels. What he goes through is a representation of what many lower class families experience in modern America. This riveting memoir will show you the struggle of daily life to families who cannot support themselves. This story is the harsh reality that we all have to accept, and for this reason, I would recommend it. Even if you think that this story is not for you, that you only like fiction or fantasy, I would ask for you to try it. This story showed me how America is not perfect. Not everyone who comes as an immigrant gets the life they came here for. This story changed my perception of America.        

-Rishabh Prasanth


  1. Great review! I love the way you explained your and Luis's differences and how you could still connect to him. Your summary was concise, yet you explained the book in an appealing and detailed way. I think I might just read this book and see Rodríguez's take on America. I think this book sounds really interesting and your review is very good. Keep up the good work!

  2. Wow. I love how you compare and contrast your differences with the main character and take us through all the emotions and feelings of the story. I like your takeaways of the lessons that this story teaches. This book is definitely going on my to read list. Thanks Rishabh!

  3. Woah~this was such an intriguing book post! It was really interesting to read, especially when you started to discuss why you were so drawn into this book. I really liked when you explained that even though there were so many differences between you and Luis, you still felt connected to the character! If an author can make you empathize and relate to a polar opposite character, it really shows the talent and expertise they wield, doesn't it? While at first this book would be one I would pass by on a bookshelf, knowing more about it makes me curious to read it myself, and experience whatever you felt when reading it.

  4. This was a great book review! I love how you compared and contraster yourself with the main character. Your summary brought the character to life and, now, I really want to read the story. I also like the lesson that this book teaches. It makes me appreciate what I have. Good job!

  5. Good book review. Always Running is the story of a family living in poverty, bullied by white neighbors and not being able to afford food in some cases. Readers get to directly feel the emotions held in this story by Luis J. Rodríguez way of writing. It really sounds quite interesting how despite being polar opposites when it comes to how you live, you somehow connected with him.

  6. Really good review. I liked how you explained how you could feel what Luis felt even through the book and how to a certain amount how you and Luis connect even when you two are completely different human beings. I thought that you explained the authors thinking quite well.

  7. This was an amazing review on the book. I really liked how you compared yourself with the main character of the book like everyone else said. I think the way that you explained how Luis how was feeling throughout the book was really good. The way that you guys lived like completely opposite lives but you can still relate to him is quite cool. Great Job once again Shabi!


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