The Maze Runner by James Dashner

The Maze Runner
is a pretty iconic book. I read it a while ago but decided to revisit it recently. If you haven’t read it before, the book is the first of a 5 part series that follows Thomas, a sixteen year old hero. He shows up in this farm-like area called the Glade with no memories of himself except his name. The Glade is surrounded by thick mile-high walls of concrete, and have openings in them, which are open during the day and shut during the night. Beyond the walls is a large labyrinth with the same mile-high concrete walls that changes constantly, home to lethal creatures called Grievers. 

Thomas and all the other teenagers living on the Glade are stuck there, with their main goals being to survive and “solve” the maze by finding a way out. They send out ‘runners’ to go out into the maze and run through it as fast as they can in an attempt to find a way out, and return back to the Glade before night falls and the doors shut. A day after Thomas arrives, a girl named Teresa arrives. Thomas recognizes her but cannot figure out why. Teresa’s arrival triggers changes in the Glade. The conditions worsen- the sun goes out, supplies stop arriving, and the doors stop shutting at night, allowing the Grievers to enter the Glade and attack them. The rest of the book follows the teens as they fight for their survival and escape. 

I really enjoyed reading this book again. The premise is really interesting- I’m a big fan of dystopian novels of any kind, and it’s a pretty easy read. There are a few confusing terms of slang used, but as I read I became accustomed to them. The book is super action-packed and mysterious, with plenty of tension and violence. The pacing is also pretty good- the story doesn’t drag too much with an overload of words and descriptions. Along with everything else, I also liked how Dashner (the author) built up the characters. They are all well-rounded, realistic, and have their own little quirks and distinctions. Overall, I would definitely recommend picking up The Maze Runner if you haven’t read it, or even if you have to go revisit it. 

- Hannah 



  1. Great blog Hannah! I am not too big of a fan of dystopian novels but The Maze Runner has always interested me. The book sounds fun and exciting, and I definitely can see myself loving this book. I plan to read this book next!

  2. Great review! As one who has read the Maze Runner series and watched the movies, I think The Maze Runner is a pretty good book. Your explanation of the plot was detailed, short, concise. I also like dystopian novels and was happy you reviewed this book.

  3. Great review! As a person who has read maze runner before, it was refreshing to read about it in a review. I liked that you summarized the plot without spoiling the good parts and listed your opinion on the book. Overall, great post.

  4. Weirdly, I started this series with the second book, which I do regret. In fact, I never bothered to read the first one, instead relying mostly on context clues (I even read the prequel). The series does have the typical dystopian novel kind of storyline, but it's done in a way that uniquely offsets many of the plot holes that would normally fail a typical dystopian novel with its governmental motivation, such that plot holes appear to be designed. Good post!

  5. This was a great book review! I'd heard of this book alot in the past but never really knew what it was about or if I would enjoy it... However, after reading this review I think the book sounds really appealing and will check it out whenever I can!

  6. Great review Hannah! You did a great job of giving a brief but informative summary of the plot. I did not know much about Maze Runners before reading this blog, but now I am very excited to read it. I love dystopian stories, so I am sure this book will capture my interest.

  7. This sounds like a really interesting dystopian novel; I wonder if there's any deeper meaning behind it, which dystopian novels seem to have. You made me intrigued to read the actual book and learn more about the Grievers and the maze progression throughout the plot. Good review, Hannah!

  8. Great Review Hannah! I have heard a lot about the maze runner and if I am not mistaken I'm pretty sure there was a movie too. I am into dystopian novels and heard a lot about this one but I never bothered to pick it up, after this review I might! Great job Hannah, I really liked the fact that the review explained the basic plot without revealing anything major. Great Job!

  9. Great review! I have read this book before, and I agree with everything you said, especially how the characters were built. Each character felt truly unique. I also thought it was a very good dystopian novel, and I thought you did a great job describing the basic plot. I should plan to revisit this book soon. Thanks!

  10. I haven't read the Maze Runner, but I've heard of it a few times. Before I didn't really know the premise though, besides the fact that it probably had to do with mazes and running, given the title, but your description is nice and concise while giving enough information to create interest. I'd forgotten that this book series even existed, but now maybe I'll have to look for it next time I'm in a library (if I remember). Thanks for the recommendation!

  11. I really love the concept of finding yourself in a place you've never seen before with no memories. its amazing to see how a character develops their own type of personality while unlocking and figuring out their own past memories. There is so much potential in this book all depending on who this person was in the past and who this person is now.

  12. Nice blog post, Hannah! I also enjoy reading Dystopia and the maze runner is a title I am familiar with. I lowkey forgot what happens in the book, which is another sign for me to reread this book. Great job in summarizing the book!


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